With a zoning system from Tom’s Heating Service, you can control temperatures on a room-by-room basis. Learn more below or call 262-548-1300 for details!
What Is a Zoning System?
Standard heating and cooling systems are single-stage units—they are either on or off until your entire home reaches the temperature set on your thermostat.
Zoning, also referred to as zone control or HVAC zoning, is the opposite. It divides your home into different “zones,” allowing you to set multiple temperatures for various areas.
Zoning Thermostat Control
Each zone in your home is equipped with its thermostat, allowing you to adjust temperatures in one area without affecting others. Wi-Fi thermostat options offer the added convenience of controlling everything from an app or smart device, enabling you to monitor your energy usage as well.
It Starts With Dampers
Increased Energy Savings
Trust Tom’s Heating for Zoning in Your Home
Whether you’re building a new home or retrofitting an existing one, Tom’s Heating can provide you with an unbiased recommendation on the best solution. Get started today by calling 262-548-1300 today or contacting us online.